Hello ! hie hie, nie irah taw, dier uke step CUTE! (:
haha lols,
teehees(: Irah will be postinq this post on the behalf of lala taw, hees.
her bloq dah lame taq update, so irah tlng2 luh cikit, haha cam p!
k stop, irah wanna say that i miss lala! hees, lame taq nmpk? conferm datinq nan adel taw!
hahahaha! Wish to meet u soon aite peylat? hehehes.
K luh irah dunno want to type what, so sape sape yg rindu lala, text her k, haha.
lols, k paipai, takecaiire
Saturday, November 14, 2009
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Thursday, November 12, 2009
hiiee,ppls! today wake up by baby's call at 9.. walauweii!!!! pagi pagi bute da call.. he say mit at 11.. then ii say your head still early then he ask me wat time you wan then ii say trn my place at 1,he agree.. hahas.. then went bck to slp.. few mins later, nnk wake me up and ask me wat time iim going out.. then ii say to her actually mit at 11 then ii say still early.. then she say ii pemls dun know wat she nag then ii call baby up n change plan.. drag myself went to bath,siaping all.. then baby call n ask me whether iim done siaping or not.. then ii say not yet.. he say ii lmbt.. kater pmpn mah,b.. hahas.. then siap already, went out the hse.. called baby ii kluar liao.. then mit baby in the train then trained all the way to ct hall.. baby bought shoe n tee shirt.. lawa sia.. hahas.. we both hungry then had our lunch at burger king.. sdpppppppp doh.. hahas.. then went sedut n trained to vivo.. reach vivo,walkwalk ther.. n baby bought for me roxy selipar n wallet.. lawa tau!!! hahas.. then went to golden village.. we c got wat movie.. skali got parnormal activity laa.. bought the tix.. sumpah part nie paiseh. bought popcorn n drink then went in the cinema.. we went into the wrong cinema.. omg!!! paiseh sia.. hahas.. then inside the cinema baby mcm babi.. ade 2 chicks sit beside me n he say this to me, 'you tuka seat'... tros tk bbual dgn dia.. idiot ah you.. the movie bnyk terkejot terkejot..after the movie, accompany baby sedut then bus-ed my place.. then went lpppk for awhile.. we talktalk about our r'ship.. then after that went hme.. hme swiit hme.. there's no pics of baby n me..=( ii will be not update so often coz my bro iish using the lappy.. ii wiil update my blog when iim free.. *sayonara*
baby bought for me ..=]
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
konichiwa ppls!! yesterday went interview at ct hall n bugis.. at 11 plus mit jajabby at j.e int.. ii was late.. hahas.. take train n saw an black.. jaja peh darling.. dia tngk lala mcm nk mkn lala sia. hahas.. reach liao,slm her n trained to ct hall.. we took the same train as an n aidil.. hahas.. they went off at dover.. reach ct hall,lala super duper hungry.. went to burger king n had my late lunch.. after that,we went interview.. skali they want full timers n maleworkers.. walauweiii!!!! tknk blng siangsiang.. buat pnat jek tau trn.. hahas.. then train to bugis n had another interview there.. after the interview went old marsiling to pierce my smiley.. in the train , jaja kcukcu org.. siak ah kau,b.. hahas.. then jaja say my fone vibrate.. ii check my fone, 8 missed call n 4 msg from baby.. wow!! hahas.. call baby bck n he ask me ALOT of ques.. bnyk susah tau.. hahas.. baby say ii've change n nvr been like this.. he ask why cannot talk nw,ape you buat..then ii saw iim outside n my pp8 low then dia fikir negative.. tros world war3.. haiish .. jajabby hear our argue..reach wdland,take bus 178 n off to old marsiling.. then went to the shop n had my piercing.. not that pain ah.. after piercing,take bus n went hme.. reach hme,called baby n had conflicts again.. da ok liao n ii told him that ii pierce smiley.. he scold me n at lst he accept it..ii know why you accept bcoz tk nmpk kn, b.. idiot you.. hahas .. he say iim stubborn n wont listen to him.. hahas.. wher got,b.. anyhow jek.. today accompany nnk to pasar .. lala gd girl tau..hahas.. first time sia lala bgn pagi n went to pasar with nnk.. hahas.. otw nk gi mkn lunch,it's raining heavily.. then ii say to nnk, hujan peh lebat.. then nnk ans bck yelah,hujan lebat psl kau ikot gi pasar.. -.- ii ate nasi lemak n nnk ate mi rebus.. yumyum! after that went hme.. it's still raining heavily.. tdo pun cantik.. till here..*sayonara*
Sunday, November 1, 2009
just had my dinner.. ii ate mutton chop.. my grandad bought for me.. thank you,grandpa!!! ily!! today didnt went out.. the whole day text-ed naufal bestie.. hahas.. naufal caring sia.. hahas.. baby working n iim bored at hme.. walauweii!! naufal accompany me by texting me.. we talk about something.. you know, ii know knknkn.. hahas.. notty ehk,bestie.. smack kang.. hahas.. at hme,surf net,chat,listen song n blablablabla.. nothing to do sia.. so borinnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg!!!!
went out with baby,jajabby n fahmi watch jennifer body..hahas.. at 3plus ii mit baby at wdland.. baby ask me mit him at first cabin then ii say why not last cabin then he say bnyk matrep laa.. then ii say ok laa.. then trained to somerset.. reach there went to cineleisure,walkwalk ther.. then baby hungry ,we went to long john had our late lunch..jajabby called me she reach liao but dun know how to go to cineleisure.. hahas.. pass the phone to baby n baby to talk jaja.. baby jahat tau suke nah kcu dia.. hahas.. after that mit her near 711 coz she wanna buy something.. after that went to cathay n see wat time the movie strts.. we walkwalk aorund then decided to buy the tix.. jaja say fahmi still at bedok... movie going to strt he still at bedok.. kecoh pah.. then we went in n left fahmi's tix with the usher.. the movie bnyk censored.. hahas.. baby suke jek ehk kau.. hahas.. then acccompany jaja fetch fahmi outside.. blablablablabla... overall the movie qerek ah.. hahas.. must watch but must be 16 aiite.. hahas.. after the movie, accompany fahmi n baby sedut..jajabby hungry then went to long john ... fahmi n jajabby ate but ii n baby didnt coz we full liao.. we just bought drinks.. then went sedut again then off to skate park.. baby say wat time already then ii say later laa.. hahas.. iim sooo stubborn you know n ii lnqqr my curfew.. walauweiii!!! mummy called n naq at me.. baby heard my conversation with mummmy n ii hung up the phone.. baby know ii no mood liao then he cheer me up.. awwwww!!! ily,babi!! baby send me till hme.. awwww!!! it was 12.. iim worried for baby cos last bus was 1145 then ii called him n ask iish there any bus then he say he's inside the bus.. thank god! hahas..=]